Education counsellor

The phases of development of the children are individually very different. There is no fixed timeframe /or standards/ that apply to all children. Different situations and medial environmental influences such as television, computer, and advertising dominate the family picture of today, where children spend a lot less time with their parents than in the past. Here is the example set by their parents, their interaction with each other and with their children, influential for later life, and to experience what the children in the first ten years, is stored in the brain than normal and can later change no longer so easily. See also the Imago theory for the choice of partners.

The behaviour of the parents, whether loving, dominating or more violent take over, the children unconsciously into adulthood. i.e., parenting styles and patterns are handed down over generations. Brain development begins in the womb and is well known in the first four years, the foundations are laid for the future life. Crucial to the knowledge of developmental psychology is a fixed reference person who spends time with the child, because the only very social contacts are constructed without fear. Violence and frustration experiences in this early phase impressed themselves indelibly into the brain.

Education means to show children with love and in a positive way is the right time and the right place for their actions. Children need a sense of normalcy to the fixed rules are that should suit every family their life situation, because regularity, you can rely on, makes up a home where you feel comfortable, and the children later, after they leave once have gladly visit again.Children and young people see themselves increasingly called upon to help shape the systems of interaction in which they are involved and to position themselves as independent of the home environment in the social space.

The behavioural genetics research therefore also clear evidence has revealed that the influence of the parents had been overestimated to later personality traits of their children so far, especially those parental influences that affect all siblings, or about general principles of education, the parents used in the shared environment of all children equally.

Simultaneously, the effect of genetic and non-shared environment has been underestimated, so the effect of the experiences that are unique and not shared by all the siblings of the same family are about experiences in different circles of friends. In most behavioural genetic studies for the variables under study no or only marginal effects of shared environment were found to later development of children.